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German university application timeline

The academic year in Germany is divided into two semesters. The winter semester is between October and March while the summer semester is between April and September. If you intend to start your studies in the winter semester, follow our application timeline to prepare yourself better.

Looking for the summer semester timeline instead? Explore now

Winter Semester

We recommend starting your research at least one year in advance for a stress-free university application process.

September - October

To get started, use Expatrio's Study Eligibility Checker to find out if you can apply directly to German universities or need to attend a preparatory course.

TIP: Not sure how to choose a university course? Explore our Studyfinder and search through 2,500+ study programs in minutes using our filtering tool.

Timeline_Start research

November - December

If you're from a non-English speaking country, chances are you would have to showcase your English language proficiency level.

You can do this by preparing for TOEFL, IELTS, or any other language exams accepted by the German university of your choice. We recommend taking IELTS as it's accepted by almost every university.

Depending on the study program you're pursuing, you also need to prepare for other entrance exams such as GMAT, GRE, TestDaf, and much more.

Timeline_Entrance exam preparation


After all that preparation, now is the perfect time to take the exams and ace them!

TIP: The average IELTS score required by German universities is 6.5

Timeline_take the exam

February - April

Now, it's time to prepare the other documents required by the university of your choice. The list includes but is not limited to:

Please directly clarify all the required study program documents with the university.

Timeline_Prepare other docs

May - June

This is the perfect time to send in your university applications. Universities recommend sending them at least 8 weeks ahead of the deadline in July.

Timeline_Send in your application


Deadline for the Winter Semester

Save the date: July 15th



By now, you should have received your Letter of Admission from the university you applied to. This is the perfect time to secure all the documents for your German student visa application.

But not to worry! Expatrio offers everything you need in one place:

Timeline_BA + HI


Got your student visa? Great. Now let's find you a place to live during your studies. Use Expatrio's Accommodation Finder to find trusted accommodation providers in Germany. Follow our tips on how to find accommodation in Germany:



Welcome to Germany! Here is a list of things you MUST do during your first few weeks in Germany to ensure a smooth integration into your new life!

Timeline_Welcome to Germany