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University of Konstanz


Biological Sciences

Subjects: Science;Biology

M.Sc. | Master of Science

⏳  Duration
4 Semesters
🔠 Teaching Language
💶  Application Fee non-EU
No information

💶  Cost per Semester ? Separate from the tuition fees, the cost per semester refers to another fee students pay each semester, covering registration fees, administrative costs, and often a public transport ticket.
179.0 EUR

💶  Tuition Fees per Semester
1,500 EUR
⏱️ Application Deadline Summer

⏱️ Application Deadline Winter

Course description

Our Master’s Programme in Biological Sciences offers a wide array of advanced, research-focused courses. This study programme is crafted for highly motivated students, providing a first-class education from our internationally renowned teachers. The diverse course content delivers deep knowledge in biosciences, preparing you thoroughly for a future in research and teaching. You can also specialize in areas such as ecology, evolution and behaviour, cellular and molecular biology, or disease biology. This specialization allows you to gain scientifically robust qualifications in a specific field. Our seminars are limited to 15 students, ensuring top-quality teaching and personalized supervision. All courses are conducted in English, supporting our international approach. Each course delves into current research topics across various fields, with a strong emphasis on methodological approaches and research-based learning. This ensures you access to cutting-edge research knowledge and technology. The programme also includes an integrated internship, which you can complete at an external research institution or a private company, either locally or abroad.

Program Information

Study Location Konstanz
Start Semester Summer, Winter
Study Form Full-time
Study Type Postgraduate
Teaching Language English
Dual No
Remote No
Application Fee non-EU No information
Study Length 4 Semesters
Tuition Fees per Semester 1,500 EUR
Cost per Semester 179.0 EUR
Step 2 - Check Application Requirements
⏱️ Application Start Summer
No information

⏱️ Application Deadline Summer
⏱️ Application Start Winter

⏱️ Application Deadline Winter

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Application Requirements

Language Requirements

CEFR No information
Cambridge (CAE) C

description of your career, study goals and desired course profile documentation of your academic degree including details on course work and performance (ECTS-Credits and course hours per week, if applicable). If you have not received your degree certificate by the end of the application deadline, please attach a Transcript of Records documentation of your preliminary final grade average grade for your graduating class or the the previous one, if yours is not available basic English language skills, e.g. TOEFL (minimum of 90 points in internet-test), CPE (grade C), IELTS (band scale 6.0 or better) (except native speakers) documentation of work experience (if applicable) documentation of academic achievements (papers, publications, research activities, study and research stays abroad, if applicable) documentation of relevant employment or training periods (if applicable) evidence of prizes and awards (if applicable) documentation of relevant volunteer work /extra-curricular activities (if applicable) documentation of the average grade of your completed bachelor's programme to apply for a focus area of study, please attach an informal application, stating the focus area according to § 7 para. 2 of the admission regulations. Please add a short letter of motivation. current certificate of enrolment or proof of exmatriculation (if you have studied at a German university, please indicate your 'Fachsemester’ and ‘Hochschulsemester’).

Qualification Requirements

Documentation of a degree in a three-year (or more) study programme at an institution of higher education in the subject Biological Sciences (minimum degree Bachelor of Sciences (BSc) or equivalent), or a related subject. Documentation of your English language skills (minimum level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) For applicants with a university degree obtained in a country that is not in the Bologna process, documentation of a successfully passed GRE test with at least 155 points (Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning score). Our GRE Designated Institution (DI) Code is 4527.

Document Requirements

description of your career, study goals and desired course profile documentation of your academic degree including details on course work and performance (ECTS-Credits and course hours per week, if applicable). If you have not received your degree certificate by the end of the application deadline, please attach a Transcript of Records documentation of your preliminary final grade average grade for your graduating class or the the previous one, if yours is not available basic English language skills, e.g. TOEFL (minimum of 90 points in internet-test), CPE (grade C), IELTS (band scale 6.0 or better) (except native speakers) documentation of work experience (if applicable) documentation of academic achievements (papers, publications, research activities, study and research stays abroad, if applicable) documentation of relevant employment or training periods (if applicable) evidence of prizes and awards (if applicable) documentation of relevant volunteer work /extra-curricular activities (if applicable) documentation of the average grade of your completed bachelor's programme to apply for a focus area of study, please attach an informal application, stating the focus area according to § 7 para. 2 of the admission regulations. Please add a short letter of motivation. current certificate of enrolment or proof of exmatriculation (if you have studied at a German university, please indicate your 'Fachsemester’ and ‘Hochschulsemester’).

Application Process

Acceptance Interview No
Acceptance local admission restrictions Restricted
Application directly at the University
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