Step 1 - Find your Study Program

University of Education Freiburg
Subjects: E-Lingo;Linguistics;Education
M.Sc. | Master of Science
Course description
M.A. E-LINGO - Teaching English to Young Learners is a part-time, two-year post-graduate blended-learning master's programme. It qualifies you to teach English to young learners, specifically in pre-school and primary school settings. The programme combines online coursework with two days of face-to-face teaching sessions each semester at the PH Freiburg. If needed, these sessions can be conducted online. This master's programme is an excellent opportunity for professional development for language teachers working with young children. It also opens doors to degree courses in teacher education and research at the university level. M.A. E-LINGO is a well-established programme that has successfully trained teachers of English for young learners for over a decade. It has received outstanding reviews and has served as a model for other blended-learning teacher qualification courses. The study subjects and programme names are carefully designed to ensure comprehensive learning and practical application. This approach fosters an atmosphere of trust, understanding, and inclusivity. The language used in the programme is clear and concise, making it easy to understand and follow. The structure of the programme, with its short paragraphs and straightforward communication, ensures clarity and impact. By joining M.A. E-LINGO, you are not just enhancing your teaching
Program Information
Study Location | Freiburg |
Start Semester | Summer, Winter |
Study Form | Part-time |
Study Type | Postgraduate |
Teaching Language | English |
Dual | No |
Remote | No |
Application Fee non-EU | 186 EUR |
Study Length | 4 Semesters |
Tuition Fees per Semester | 2,600 EUR |
Cost per Semester | No information |
Step 2 - Check Application Requirements
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Application Requirements
Language Requirements
CEFR | No information |
IELTS | No information |
Cambridge (CAE) | No information |
TOEFL IBT | No information |
The following internationally recognized language certificates are accepted for entry into the course: TOEFL (paper: 572 pts., computer-based: 227 pts., internetbased [iBT]: 87 pts.): Test of English as a Foreign Language des Educational Testing Service (ETS) (can be taken online here), FCE (First Certificate in English), Cambridge ESOL, Grade B2, IELTS (International English Language Testing System), Cambridge ESOL, Band 5. international language certificates at or above B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference , e.g. CAE (Certificate in Advanced English), Cambridge ESOL, Grade C1, CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English), Cambridge ESOL, Grade C2.
Qualification Requirements
a BA degree from a university, university of education or private university (based on 3 years of study) in any discipline (need not be language- or teaching-related) with 180, 210 or 240 credit points one year of full-time work experience (longer if you have worked part-time) in the field of education or in a language-related area (the equivalent of 60 credit points)
Document Requirements
Application Form Curriculum vitae in English *School-leaving certificates which qualify the holder for undergraduate study at university (e.g. Germany – Abitur; UK – A-levels). These may vary from country to country. *Evidence of qualified employment in the field of education or in a language-related area of at least one year’s duration (proportionally longer if employment was part-time) qualified employment *Evidence of the required English language ability. If you are a native speaker of the English language or have completed your undergraduate study in English, evidence is not needed. See language requirements Personal statement in English explaining why you want to take part in the course (max. 3,000 words) Signed statement in which you confirm that the personal statement is your own work *Transcript of Records and Diploma Supplement (if available) of the applicant’s first degree (see point 4 above) You should also write a statement confirming that you have neither failed nor been excluded from the Master’s examination in this degree course or one with similar content at the Freiburg University of Education or any other university.
Application Process
Acceptance Interview | No |
Acceptance local admission restrictions | Not restricted |
Application |
directly at the University, uni-assist |
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