Step 1 - Find your Study Program

Ludwig Maximilians University Munich
Evolution, Ecology & Systematics
Subjects: Ecology;Biology
M.Sc. | Master of Science
Course description
The EESLMU Master's program equips you with a comprehensive understanding of biology, focusing on Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. You'll develop into a critically thinking scientist, mastering various techniques and approaches in these fields. Throughout the program, you'll engage in modern field experiments, utilize natural history collections, and apply mathematical modeling. You'll also learn data management and modern genetic/genomic methods. This program ensures you gain practical skills and theoretical knowledge, preparing you for a successful career in biological sciences.
Program Information
Study Location | Munich |
Start Semester | Winter |
Study Form | Full-time |
Study Type | Postgraduate |
Teaching Language | English |
Dual | No |
Remote | No |
Application Fee non-EU | No information |
Study Length | 4 Semesters |
Tuition Fees per Semester | No Tuition Fee |
Cost per Semester | 85.0 EUR |
Step 2 - Check Application Requirements
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Application Requirements
Language Requirements
CEFR | B2 |
IELTS | No information |
Cambridge (CAE) | No information |
TOEFL IBT | No information |
You have proof that your proficiency in English is equal to a B2 level, as defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), or proof of equivalent proficiency in English.
Qualification Requirements
You are eligible to apply for the Master of Science program in Evolution, Ecology and Systematics if you fulfil the following requirements: Bachelor's degree (in progress) You have successfully completed a bachelor's degree with a total of at least 180 ECTS credits (1 ECTS credit corresponds to 30 working hours) in biology or a related subject, e.g. bioinformatics, chemistry, biochemistry, biophysics, and agricultural biology. If you have not yet finished your bachelor´s degree, you are still eligible to apply for the master´s program when you submit a recent transcript of records giving an overview of finished courses. English proficiency You have proof that your proficiency in English is equal to a B2 level, as defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), or proof of equivalent proficiency in English.
Application Process
Acceptance Interview | Yes |
Acceptance local admission restrictions | Admission Exam |
Application | directly at the University |
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