Step 1 - Find your Study Program

Landshut University of Applied Sciences
International Business Administration
Subjects: Business;Administration;Management
M.A. | Master of Arts
Course description
The Master's degree programme zeroes in on business management within a global, dynamic, and digital landscape. Navigating today's ever-changing economic and business climates demands not just solid business knowledge but also sharp management skills. Students are encouraged to spend one to two semesters abroad, enriching their global perspective. A double degree is achievable by transferring to one of our partner universities. All lectures and exams are conducted in English, and the Master's thesis must also be written in English. Study subjects include: - Global Business Management - Digital Business Strategies - International Economics - Cross-Cultural Management - Strategic Leadership The study program names are: - Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Master of International Business (MIB) - Master of Digital Business (MDB) This program is designed to equip you with the expertise and skills needed to thrive in a fast-paced, interconnected world.
Program Information
Study Location | Landshut |
Start Semester | Summer |
Study Form | Full-time |
Study Type | Postgraduate |
Teaching Language | English |
Dual | No |
Remote | No |
Application Fee non-EU | No information |
Study Length | 3 Semesters |
Tuition Fees per Semester | No Tuition Fee |
Cost per Semester | 82.0 EUR |
Step 2 - Check Application Requirements
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Application Requirements
Language Requirements
CEFR | No information |
IELTS | No information |
Cambridge (CAE) | No information |
TOEFL IBT | No information |
The entrance requirement for English knowledge is level C1. - Graduates having passed their complete Bachelor’s studies taught in English don’t need an English test (like IELTS) as a proof of their level C1; a confirmation of English as the language of instruction issued by the university is sufficient.
Qualification Requirements
The minimum academic requirement is a Bachelor’s degree in a Business oriented program equivalent to 210 ECTS (credits in the European credit transfer system where 30 ECTS represent 1 semester). Please don’t “mix” ECTS and credits in non-EU national or university specific credit systems! - In case the Bachelor’s degree was not business oriented, an equivalent of minimum 45 ECTS in business subjects has to be proved. - The regular study duration can’t always be converted: a 4-years Bachelor’s achieved in another country might be comparable to a 3-years German degree (180 ECTS), sometimes only partially comparable. - Many 3-years Bachelor’s degrees (B.Com., BBA etc.) don’t qualify for Master’s unless completed by a postgraduate program. - A Professional Bachelor / Licence Professionelle doesn’t qualify for Master’s studies. - Applicants having passed a Bachelor’s and a postgraduate degree should upload the documents of their complete academic history. - The average grade has to be “good” / “2,5” in the German grading system. Here, “very good” / “1,0” = the best grade; “satisfactory” / “4,0” = minimum pass. There are as many grading systems all over the world as countries exist, and in many countries, even the university schemes differ. Therefore, the grading scheme is part of the degree (exception: countries with a uniform grading system like Tunisia, Cameroun…)
Document Requirements
1. Complete the online application in the Landshut University of Applied Sciences applicant portal. 2. Write down and keep the login details. 3. Submit the application and upload the required documents in the applicant portal as soon as possible, at the latest by 15 January/28 February* (cut-off deadline) or 15 July/15 August* (cut-off deadline); sending by post is not required. (*cf. front page) 4. Required documents: Bachelor's degree certificate (If this is not yet available at the time of application, please provide confirmation from your university of the examination achievements to date and a copy of the thesis registration). Proof of German language skills usually at level C1 (not applicable if the higher education entrance qualification was acquired at a German-speaking educational institution). Pre-assessment documentation “uni-assist” (not applicable if the higher education entrance qualification was acquired at a German-speaking educational institution). Curriculum vitae If necessary, further documents, see the respective valid study and examination regulations (SPO) or applicant portal.
Application Process
Acceptance Interview | No |
Acceptance local admission restrictions | Restricted |
Application |
directly at the University, uni-assist with VPD |
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