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Kiel University of Applied Sciences


Data Science

Subjects: Data Science;Science;Technology

M.Sc. | Master of Science

⏳  Duration
3 Semesters
🔠 Teaching Language
💶  Application Fee non-EU
100 EUR

💶  Cost per Semester ? Separate from the tuition fees, the cost per semester refers to another fee students pay each semester, covering registration fees, administrative costs, and often a public transport ticket.
269.0 EUR

💶  Tuition Fees per Semester
No Tuition Fee
⏱️ Application Deadline Summer

⏱️ Application Deadline Winter

Course description

In today's world, data is everywhere. From social media and satellite images to mobile apps and Industry 4.0, we're seeing a massive surge in data generation. Companies across all sectors, including the public sector, need to use this data wisely. This means respecting data protection and ethics while finding ways to unlock its potential and create value. To do this, we need experts who can sift through vast amounts of data, find connections, and draw meaningful conclusions. These professionals are essential in fields like Data Science, Information Technology, and Business Analytics. Programs such as Computer Science, Data Analytics, and Cybersecurity are crucial for training these experts. Understanding and using data effectively can help identify opportunities and drive innovation. It's about making sense of the data to improve decision-making and outcomes. This is where the right education and skills come into play, ensuring that data is not just collected but also used to its fullest potential.

Program Information

Study Location Kiel
Start Semester Summer, Winter
Study Form Full-time
Study Type Postgraduate
Teaching Language English
Dual No
Remote No
Application Fee non-EU 100 EUR
Study Length 3 Semesters
Tuition Fees per Semester No Tuition Fee
Cost per Semester 269.0 EUR
Step 2 - Check Application Requirements
⏱️ Application Start Summer
No information

⏱️ Application Deadline Summer
⏱️ Application Start Winter
No information

⏱️ Application Deadline Winter

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Application Requirements

Language Requirements

CEFR No information
IELTS No information
Cambridge (CAE) No information
TOEFL IBT No information

evidence of English language skills that correspond to at least level B 2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Example of accepted evidence can be found in Section 7 of the Examination Regulations for the master’s degree in Data Science.

Qualification Requirements

access to the “Data Science” master’s program is granted to those who have completed a bachelor’s program with a grade of at least 2.5 and can also prove 30 cumulative credit points (ECTS) in the subject “Mathematics / Statistics” and “Computer Science” At least 10 credit points (according to ECTS) in the subject area "Mathematics/Statistics" and at least 10 credit points (according to ECTS) in the subject area "Computer Science" must be proven. if the previous course comprised less than 210 credit points, but at least 180 credit points, the missing skills must be made up. As a rule, a total of 300 credit points should be achieved. Applicants will be informed of the skills to be made up and the latest possible time for their proof of achievement at the beginning of the course by the examination board.

Document Requirements

Documents to be submitted (as upload): evidence of the above-mentioned university degree (bachelor’s certificate, performance overview with grades, etc.) or if the first university degree was not completed: proof that a maximum of 15 of the credit points required for the bachelor’s degree are still outstanding with a provisional average grade evidence of above-mentioned English language skills first university entrance qualification (Abitur, technical college leaving certificate) certificate in the event of a name change (e.g. marriage certificate) for university degrees obtained outside the Bologna area: GRE (minimum percentile of 55% in the Quantitative Reasoning section).

Application Process

Acceptance Interview No
Acceptance local admission restrictions Not restricted
Application directly at the University,
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