Step 1 - Find your Study Program

International School of Management
Psychology & Management
Subjects: Psychology;Management
M.Sc. | Master of Science
Course description
In the expansive realm of business psychology, numerous professional avenues await. Fields like management consulting for large corporations and HR management present enticing career paths. These sectors offer promising opportunities for those with a background in business psychology. Consider the industries where ISM business psychology graduates thrive. They work in diverse areas, leveraging their expertise in management consulting and human resources. The study subjects and programs at ISM equip them with the skills needed to excel in these roles. Graduates often find themselves in dynamic environments, applying their knowledge to improve organizational efficiency and employee well-being. Their education in business psychology prepares them to tackle complex challenges and drive positive change within companies. By understanding the intricacies of human behavior in business settings, these professionals contribute significantly to their organizations. They play a crucial role in shaping strategies, enhancing workplace culture, and fostering employee engagement. In summary, a career in business psychology, supported by a solid education from ISM, opens doors to impactful and rewarding opportunities in various industries.
Program Information
Study Location | Dortmund |
Start Semester | Winter |
Study Form | Full-time |
Study Type | Postgraduate |
Teaching Language | English |
Dual | No |
Remote | No |
Application Fee non-EU | 1500 EUR |
Study Length | 4 Semesters |
Tuition Fees per Semester | 5,700 EUR |
Cost per Semester | No information |
Step 2 - Check Application Requirements
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Application Requirements
Language Requirements
CEFR | No information |
IELTS | No information |
Cambridge (CAE) | No information |
TOEFL IBT | No information |
Proof of English language knowledge For your masters, you can prove your proficiency in the English language as follows: Certificates: TOEFL (at least a score of 80, internet-based), IELTS (at least 6.0) or Cambridge (FCE) test score or A degree in English Studies or Have at least 30 ECTS in an English-language higher education program or Proof that you are a native speaker (will be assessed on a case-by-case basis). Proof of health insurance in Germany (if already available). This can also be submitted at a later time, before you start your studies in Germany.
Qualification Requirements
Check application documents.
Document Requirements
You will receive a link to our Online Application Portal after your registration for the admission process. There you can easily upload the following documents in PDF file format: Curriculum vitae (CV) Copy of your national ID card Digital passport photo (colored, jpg format, high resolution). Letter of motivation Certified (authenticated) copy of your first degree certificate (in English or German). If the certificate is not yet available at the time of application, please submit the current overview of grades of the examinations completed up to this point (transcript of records). If you have obtained an international degree, please contact your student advisors to check if you fulfil admission requirements. Proof of English language knowledge For your masters, you can prove your proficiency in the English language as follows: Certificates: TOEFL (at least a score of 80, internet-based), IELTS (at least 6.0) or Cambridge (FCE) test score or A degree in English Studies or Have at least 30 ECTS in an English-language higher education program or Proof that you are a native speaker (will be assessed on a case-by-case basis). Proof of health insurance in Germany (if already available). This can also be submitted at a later time, before you start your studies in Germany. Register for an admission test Do you have any questions about studying? Please contact us! +49 151.41 97 68 03 Feel free to send us your questions from Monday to Friday. We'll respond to you from 10 am to 3 pm (CET) on weekdays. Looking forward to chat! Jana Wojciechowski Dortmund Campus Jana Wojciechowski +49 231.97 51 39-503 Luigi Serafino Stuttgart and Frankfurt/Main Campus Luigi Serafino +49 711.51 89 62-143 Nina Weidemann Munich Campus Nina Weidemann +49 89.2 00 03 50-42 Florian Dorste Cologne Campus Florian Droste +49 221.27 09 95-57 Sindy Schulz Hamburg and Berlin Campus Sindy Schulz +49 30.3 15 19 35-175 Download information flyerRegister online for admission testRequest a consultation What to study? Study International Management Study Business Informatics How to study in Germany for Indian students B.Sc. International Management B.Sc. Finance & Management B.Sc. Applied Data Science & Business Analytics M.Sc. International Management M.A. Strategic Marketing Management M.Sc. Digital Marketing M.Sc. Finance M.Sc. Logistics & Supply Chain M.A. Luxury, Fashion & Sales Management M.Sc. International Business M.Sc. Real Estate Management M.Sc. Psychology & Management MBA General Management (full-time) MBA General Management (part-time) Online Distance Learning @ ISM Contact +49 151.41 97 68 03 We reply Monday to Friday, 10:00 am - 03:00 pm (CET) or the next working day at the latest. Contact Downloads FAQs MyISM ISM Blog ISM-Shop Legal Privacy Policy Whistleblower Act Impressum Privacy Settings Info download Send a message Application
Application Process
Acceptance Interview | Yes |
Acceptance local admission restrictions | Admission Exam |
Application | directly at the University |
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