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Heidelberg University


Transcultural Studies

Subjects: Transcultural Studies

M.A. | Master of Arts

⏳  Duration
4 Semesters
🔠 Teaching Language
💶  Application Fee non-EU
No information

💶  Cost per Semester ? Separate from the tuition fees, the cost per semester refers to another fee students pay each semester, covering registration fees, administrative costs, and often a public transport ticket.
152.0 EUR

💶  Tuition Fees per Semester
1,500 EUR
⏱️ Application Deadline Summer
No information

⏱️ Application Deadline Winter

Course description

Students in the Master's program in Transcultural Studies explore the dynamics of cultural exchange, transformations, and interconnections between Asia and Europe. This program's transregional approach challenges the conventional notions of cultures as ethnically isolated, linguistically uniform, and territorially confined. In this program, students delve into various subjects that highlight the fluidity and interconnectedness of cultures. They examine how cultural practices, ideas, and artifacts move across regions, influencing and reshaping societies. The curriculum encourages a deep understanding of the complexities involved in cultural interactions and the impact of these exchanges on both local and global scales. By questioning traditional cultural boundaries, the Master's program in Transcultural Studies fosters a more nuanced perspective on how cultures evolve and interact. This approach not only broadens students' academic horizons but also equips them with the analytical tools needed to navigate and contribute to our increasingly interconnected world.

Program Information

Study Location Heidelberg
Start Semester Winter
Study Form Full-time
Study Type Postgraduate
Teaching Language English
Dual No
Remote No
Application Fee non-EU No information
Study Length 4 Semesters
Tuition Fees per Semester 1,500 EUR
Cost per Semester 152.0 EUR
Step 2 - Check Application Requirements
⏱️ Application Start Summer
No information

⏱️ Application Deadline Summer
No information
⏱️ Application Start Winter

⏱️ Application Deadline Winter

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Application Requirements

Language Requirements

Cambridge (CAE) No information

a minimum score of 100 in the internet-based or 600 in the paper-based TOEFL a minimum score of 7.0 in the IELTS a minimum score of 785 in the TOEIC a CAE Alternatively, a certificate from your university’s language department stating your proficiency level of at least C1 according to CEFR will also be accepted. Furthermore, good knowledge of two more languages (at least level B1 according to the CEFRL), including the respective mother tongue, is mandatory. All language certificates should not be older than four years. A certificate as proof for the mother tongue is not required.

Qualification Requirements

Applicants for the M.A. Transcultural Studies must hold a B.A. or equivalent (at least three years of study) in a discipline of the Humanities, Cultural or Social Sciences with an above average grade. If the applicant has obtained his/her B.A. degree in the People’s Republic of China, India or Vietnam, the submission of an APS certificate from the respective German embassy is mandatory.

Document Requirements

Certified copy of the BA degree (or equivalent) Certified copy of the transcript of records Certified copies of language certificates (English plus two additional languages) Letter of motivation (in English; max. 900 words) CV (in English; max. two pages) A formal statement confirming that you wrote the letter of motivation by yourself without the help of others and properly indicated the use of all ideas from additional sources.

Application Process

Acceptance Interview No
Acceptance local admission restrictions Not restricted
Application directly at the University
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