Step 1 - Find your Study Program

Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Subjects: Microbiology;Biology
M.Sc. | Master of Science
Course description
The Master of Science in Microbiology is a comprehensive scientific-biological study program. It emphasizes fundamental research with a special focus on the vast diversity within Microbiology. This includes the study of phylogeny, physiology, and the cell and molecular biology of organisms from all three domains of life. The program is interdisciplinary, incorporating modules at renowned external research institutes. These include the Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology (Hans Knöll Institute) and the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology. Additionally, the program collaborates with key biotechnology corporations. Students will delve into various study subjects, gaining a deep understanding of the intricate details of microbial life. The curriculum is designed to provide a robust foundation in both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, preparing graduates for a range of careers in research, industry, and beyond.
Program Information
Study Location | Jena |
Start Semester | Winter |
Study Form | Part-time |
Study Type | Postgraduate |
Teaching Language | English |
Dual | No |
Remote | No |
Application Fee non-EU | No information |
Study Length | 4 Semesters |
Tuition Fees per Semester | No Tuition Fee |
Cost per Semester | 273.0 EUR |
Step 2 - Check Application Requirements
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Application Requirements
Language Requirements
CEFR | No information |
IELTS | No information |
Cambridge (CAE) | No information |
TOEFL IBT | No information |
This master's programme requires the following language proficiency: good English language proficiency (a direct proof by certificate is not compulsory)
Qualification Requirements
For this master's programme you need a subject-specific undergraduate degree (minimum 6 semesters/180 ECTS-Credits) or an equivalent degree, containing knowledge in Microbiology of at least 15 credits (ECTS) and practical research methods. The overall grade (CGPA) of the bachelor's degree must be GOOD or better (German and US systems: 2.5).
Document Requirements
CV Motivation letter University entrance qualification certificate Previous university degrees earned Detailed transcript of records Proof of relevant work experience Proof of subject-specific practical experience Specific document: Preparatory Training for Master's Applicants
Application Process
Acceptance Interview | No |
Acceptance local admission restrictions | Not restricted |
Application | directly at the University |
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