Step 1 - Find your Study Program

Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
Architectural & Cultural Heritage
Subjects: Architecture;Culture;History
M.A. | Master of Arts
Course description
The need for preserving, conserving, and rehabilitating heritage sites isn't a new concept. However, working as a specialist in the restoration sector is a relatively young field in architecture globally. In today's uncertain world, it's crucial to intensify efforts to safeguard our cultural and architectural heritage for future generations. The Master's Program in 'Architectural and Cultural Heritage' offers a structured educational approach in this domain. We aim to generate new knowledge and pose fresh questions in response to evolving contexts. Simultaneously, we strive to adopt the best practices in Building Restoration. Our program blends Theory, Design, and Research, and maintains strong connections with the region's UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the State Office for the Preservation of Historical Monuments in Saxony-Anhalt, and the State Archives in Saxony-Anhalt. This program is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the restoration sector. By integrating practical experience with academic learning, we ensure that our graduates are well-prepared to meet the challenges of preserving our shared heritage.
Program Information
Study Location | Dessau |
Start Semester | Summer, Winter |
Study Form | Full-time |
Study Type | Postgraduate |
Teaching Language | English |
Dual | No |
Remote | No |
Application Fee non-EU | No information |
Study Length | 4 Semesters |
Tuition Fees per Semester | No Tuition Fee |
Cost per Semester | 96.0 EUR |
Step 2 - Check Application Requirements
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Application Requirements
Language Requirements
CEFR | No information |
IELTS | No information |
Cambridge (CAE) | No information |
TOEFL IBT | No information |
English language proficiency (TOEFL 605 points (PBT) or 88 points (iBT); IELTS min. 6.5; Cambridge Main Suite of English Examination or equivalent). Native English speakers or those who have completed their last Qualification (e.g. Bachelors, Masters) with English as the Language of Instruction do not need to furnish earlier mentioned certificates and submit instead documents issued from the former University that stating the same.
Qualification Requirements
A qualified university degree in a relevant field for example Architecture, Archaeology, History of Art, Civil Engineering, Geography, Facility Management, Interior Design, or Surveying Technology with a regular study time of at least 3 years (180 ECTS) is required. Alternatively relevant professional experience can be considered. Relevant qualified professional experience of at least one year after graduation is required.
Document Requirements
You find all information about the requirements for this Master program at "Overview". Please check the latest information at the website of Uni assist. In general however the following documents are required for your application via Uni-assist: Copy of your Passport Motivation letter CV Language test certificate, e.g. TOEFL, IELTS Bachelor diploma (Original and English translation) Transcript / Marksheets (Original plus English translation) Architectural Portfolio for Graduates in Architecture, interior design and landscape design Passport photo
Application Process
Acceptance Interview | No |
Acceptance local admission restrictions | Not restricted |
Application |
directly at the University, uni-assist with VPD |
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