Free Templates
CV templates for your applications

Download these free CV templates for your university or visa applications
- Your personal information such as full name, nationality, date of birth, and contact details.
- Short statement about you, your passions, and why you chose the course you're applying for.
- Your education and grades in reverse chronological order.
- Extra-curricular activities, volunteering work, or even work experience if you have any.
- Any other skills and achievements you'd like to highlight.
- Further education experience related to your studies or personal development.
- Signature with the latest date and place.
But if you don't have the time to create your own, simply download our templates and choose one to fill up!
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What is the difference between a CV for university vs job applications?
Generally, the structure for both remains unchanged. The only differences are your profile statement and your experience.
Profile statement
University: State the reasons why you chose the university and the course
Job: State the reasons why you chose to apply to the company and the role
University: Highlight your education and extra curricular activities
Job: Highlight your past work experiences and achievements
Can you guarantee acceptance with these free templates?
Unfortunately not. These are just helpful guidelines for those unfamiliar with creating CVs. There are other factors that will still need to be considered.
Can I use these templates for my job applications?
Of course! See the differences between CV for university vs job applications and apply those changes.