About Germany: COVID-19

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Germany remains the top study destination for international students
Many international students in the country have not even considered studying abroad elsewhere. As an international student in Germany, have you considered any other study..
Traveling to Germany during the pandemic (status: 13.01.2021)
The following article contains further information that you can use before you travel to Germany from EU countries and other countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though..
Tips on How to Keep Healthy During Quarantine
As Germany faces its second lockdown, you might be wondering how to keep healthy during the winter time at home. Although most of the world is already about nine months deep into..
Vaccination for international students in Germany
All you need to know about vaccination in Germany as an international. The time has finally come to receive the vaccine against covid-19. But if you are an international in..
Making friends in Germany as an international student
Have you struggled with finding friends as someone freshly arrived in Germany? Then, you are not alone! Our last survey on international students' experiences when relocating to..