About Germany
On About Germany, you will find stories about studying and working in Germany, as well as news about Expatrio and give you information about life in Germany.

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How to Apply for a Job in Germany
Moving to Germany can be an exciting adventure but finding a suitable job there can feel a bit overwhelming, especially if you're not familiar with the local job market. Whether..
Ansbach University of Applied Sciences
The young and modern Ansbach University of Applied Sciences is the place to be for students interested in business, technology, media, and natural sciences. The focus of the..
German Job Seeker Visa
Germany has a strong economy and a buoyant employment market. As a result, it welcomes qualified workers to join the workforce. Those looking for work can move to Germany with a..
A city of wealth and refuge on the Polish and Czech borders Located in the state of Saxony, Zittau is as close as a German city can be to the borders of Czechia and Poland. In the..
The home of the Zeppelin and an industrial hub Situated in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia in the northwest of Germany, Lüdenscheid is a relatively small city with an economy..
A historic Thuringian city that's definitely moved with the times The capital of the north German region of Thuringia, Erfurt is a medium-sized city with an oversized cultural and..
Witten/Herdecke University
The Witten/Herdecke University (Universität Witten/Herdecke or simply, UW/H) is located in the Ruhr Basin, a region dense in universities, cultural institutions, and research..
Home of Germany’s oldest university Heidelberg is the fifth-largest city in the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg in Southwest Germany. Thanks to its 600-year-old university, the city..