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Driving licence in Germany for foreigners
Have you ever wondered how to get a German driver's license at a certified driving school?
German Holidays and Celebrations
Germany enjoys a number of national and regional public holidays and other festivities that take place throughout the year. Those moving to Germany should familiarize themselves..
German Months
Fundamental to learning any language is becoming familiar with how to talk about days, weeks, months, and years. Mastering how to communicate about the calendar is an important..
Funny German Words
Despite stereotypes of clipped speech and clinical precision, German is an expressive, clever, and often very amusing language. Its dictionary is dotted with funny phrases and..
German Culture
Germany is home to over 80 million people – as well as a diverse array of religions, customs, and traditions that make up the rich national psyche. Germany is known for its long..
Best Universities for Mechanical Engineering in Germany
Germany is one of the best places in the world to study mechanical engineering, and with over 220 universities of applied sciences, there’s plenty of choice too. But which one is..
Costs of Living in Germany
Anyone planning on moving to or studying in Germany needs to know exactly how much it is going to cost to live there. Part of planning this exciting relocation will include..
Top DAAD Scholarships for Indian Students to Study in Germany
Germany is one of the most popular study destinations among Indian students. It offers a high-quality education system and numerous financial aid opportunities. Among the many..
The Ultimate Guide to Masters in Germany for Indian Students
More and more Indian students are heading to Germany for higher education, and it’s easy to see why! In just the past five years, the number of students has almost doubled. With..